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Every person goes through temptations through each and every day. It’s just up to you how you let them effect you. Not all temptations are bad, but it’s obvious that the majority of them are. There are many temptations that I deal with on a day-to-day basis; Like not wanting to go to a 8am class, or not wanting to wake up at 5:40am to get ready for workouts. But I understand the bigger picture behind those two. Getting bigger, faster, and stronger, to get better for the season and hitting the books hard to make sure my grades are up are two priorities for me. I understand that not everyone else has the same goals as me. And the fact that I am a Division I athlete at a large-scale school, makes everything I do wrong 10x worse. If a regular student misses class, nobody notices, but if I miss class or act out, everyone notices and everyone cares. It took me a while to understand it but I have realized that whether or not I want to accept it, I do have influence and my actions do have repercussions.

From that I do pay a lot more attention to my actions especially out in public. Also on my social networks such as tweets or pictures posted. It it SOOO tempting to tweet when I’m upset or when something crazy happens. But the chances of somebody taking it wrong, or that one picture shedding bad light on the program is something that I definitely don’t want.

A quote that I always remember is “A person’s reputation can take many years to build, and a split second to ruin down.” -Warren Buffett

Keep that in mind the next time you think of doing something crazy

Be blessed!

Follow me on Twitter @ATayy31

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